Featuring 92 contributions from over 100 leading UK and international academics, this publication captures the immediate thoughts, reflections and early research insights on the 2017 UK General Election from the cutting edge of media and politics research.

Published 10 days after the election, these contributions are short and accessible. Authors provide authoritative analysis of the campaign, including research findings or new theoretical insights; to bring readers original ways of understanding the campaign. Contributions also bring a rich range of disciplinary approaches, from political science to cultural studies, journalism studies to psychology.

UK Election Analysis 2017

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Disponibile online – sul sito Election Analysis UK, promosso dalla Political Studies Association e dal Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community dell’Università di Bournemouth –  il rapporto analitico sulle elezioni generali britanniche dello scorso 8 giugno.

Scarica il rapporto