

Books | Journals

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Sociologia dei media

M. Sorice (2020). Sociologia dei media. Un’introduzione critica. Roma: Carocci

Understanding Politics and Society

F. de Nardis (2020). Understanding Politics and Society. London: Palgrave

Multiple Populisms

P. Blokker and M. Anselmi (Eds.) (2020). Multiple Populisms. Italy as Democracy’s Mirror. London: Routledge

Nationalism on the Internet

C. Fuchs (2020). Nationalism on the Internet. Critical theory and ideology in the age of social media and fake news. London: Routledge

Política e Democracia na Era Digital

J. de Almeida Santos (Org.) (2020). Política e Democracia na Era Digital. Comprender a polìtica e a democracia numa época de novos desefios tecnólogicos. Lisboa: Parsifal

Rereading Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism

C. Fuchs (2020). Rereading Marx in the Age of Digital Capitalism. London: Pluto Press

Globalization and Media in the Digital Platform Age

Jin, D. Y. (2019). Globalization and Media in the Digital Platform Age. London: Routledge


E. De Blasio (2019). e-Democracy. Teorie e problemi. Milano: Mondadori Università

Politica oltre la politica. Civismo vs Autoritarismo

G. Allegretti, L. Fasano, M. Sorice (a cura di) (2019). Politica oltre la politica. Civismo Vs Autoritarismo. Milano: Fondazione Feltrinelli

Partecipazione democratica

M. Sorice (2019). Partecipazione democratica. Teorie e problemi. Milano: Mondadori Università

Populist Discourse

E. Hidalgo-Tenorio, M. Benítez-Castro, F. De Cesare (Eds.) (2019). Populist Discourse. Critical Approaches to Contemporary Politics. London: Routledge

Emotions and Loneliness in a Networked Society

Fox, B. (Ed.) (2019). Emotions and Loneliness in a Networked Society. London: Palgrave

Core Concepts in Sociology

 J. M.  Ryan (Ed.) (2019) Core Concepts in Sociology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.

Popolo chi?

Bertuzzi, N., Caciagli, C., Caruso, L. (2019). Popolo chi? Classi popolari, periferie e politica in Italia. Roma: Ediesse

Gramsci reloaded

F. Colombo (a cura di) (2018). Gramsci reloaded. Una teoria sociale della cultura. Roma: Rogas edizioni

Il governo online

E. De Blasio (2018). Il governo online. Nuove frontiere della politica. Roma: Carocci

Platform Society

van Dijck, J. Poell, T. and de Waal, M. (2018). The Platform Society. Public Values in a Connective World. Oxford: Oxford University Press


Populismo di lotta e di governo

M. Anselmi, P. Blokker, N. Urbinati (2018). Populismo di lotta e di governo. Milano: Fondazione Feltrinelli

E-Government und Netzpolitik im europäischen Vergleich

W. J. Schünemann, M. Kneuer (2018). E-Government und Netzpolitik im europäischen Vergleich. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag

Social Media

Fuchs, C. (2017). Social Media: A Critical Introduction

Critical Theory of Communication

Fuchs, C. (2017). Critical Theory of Communication. New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet. London: University of Westminster Press

Media, politica e società: le tecniche di ricerca

De Blasio, E., Quaranta, M., Santaniello, M., Sorice, M. (2017). Media, politica e società: le tecniche di ricerca. Roma: Carocci.

Mass Media e sfera pubblica

Fasano, L., Panarari, M., Sorice, M. (2016). Mass Media e sfera pubblica. Verso la fine della rappresentanza? Milano: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Democrazie in transizione

Urbinati, N. (a cura di) (2016). Democrazie in transizione. Milano: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli


Concetti, parole chiave, temi. In sessanta secondi. #luiss.keywords

Platform Society

e-Democracy | Emiliana De Blasio

Latest Articles

Spaces of Struggle: Socialism and Neoliberalism With a Human Face Among Digital Parties and Online Movements in Europe

E-Democracy and Digital Activism: From Divergent Paths Toward a New Frame

Populism among technology, e-democracy and the depoliticisation process

Populism between direct democracy and the technological myth

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs

Harris, P. et al. (2021). The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. London: Palgrave 

Living edition: available

Democratic Innovation

The term democratic innovation covers all procedures aimed at facilitating and increasing citizens’ access and political participation, which are realized both through institutions specifically designed to increase public participation and through bottom-up experiences capable of providing connections to institutional practices in policy-making and political decision-making processes.

A modern definition of democratic innovation should be inclusive and sufficiently flexible to consider both the forms of institutional reshaping promoted by public institutions themselves and the cases of democratic participation promoted by citizens’ associations and/or social movements that only subsequently – and usually through articulated forms of conflict and bargaining – undergo an institutionalization process.

Further Reference Readings